Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Year-End Report

Greetings Beloved:
Last year we began our letter with this line: “To our great astonishment we come to you again from the wonderful city of Palm Bay.” And that means we write this year with an even greater sense of astonishment. But it has been a good year, in some surprising and wonderful ways. We love each other and our Lord more than ever. It has been a time to learn how to trust the Lord for daily provisions and see Him answer our prayers through diverse means.
So many prayers have been lifted up on our behalf, and for that, we are very grateful. The year-end job-hunt news is that Dan is under serious consideration for the Sr. Pastor position at a lovely church in suburban Pittsburgh. We have visited there for one snowy weekend, and plan to go back for more mutual investigation during early January. This is the first significant opportunity since the Lord closed the door on the position in Winter Haven back in late summer.
In the meantime, Dan continues working as an official for high-school basketball games and as a caretaker for Matthew Bradstreet, a 14 year-old young man with autism. Financial provision for us has also come through Beth’s labors as a domestic assistant for a very special family. Karen Latta is a mother of five who has a rare degenerative brain disease that has diminished her capacities to care for herself and her family. Her husband, Glenn, is president of LiveTV, a devoted husband and father. God has given us the tremendous privilege of coming alongside this family to help provide for Karen and the children, so that for now, Beth’s role has evolved into more of a full-time one . As you pray for us, petition heaven also for this precious and hurting but hope-filled family.
Dan and Beth are grateful for continued health, for many friends near and far, for our church (First Baptist of Palm Bay), for the unity and well-being of our family and for the thrill that is still there for us when we ponder the wonder of Christmas and what the gospel means for time and forever.
Now for updates on the fearsome foursome of the Next Generation.

Andrew/Meredith – the happy Couple!! and soon to be the Graduates. Andrew and Meredith have already celebrated their first wedding anniversary and continue to live and study in Casselberry. Both will graduate from Reformed Seminary in May of 2009. Andrew is now interning (working with college students) at University Presbyterian in Orlando and both testify to the grace coming their way through their church and seminary families. Please pray for God’s direction for the Hendleys as they seek to discover what the Lord is preparing them to do and be for Him post-seminary.

Sarah Beth– the Running Nurse!! Sarah has recently made a move from pediatric oncology to labor and delivery so that she now works at Winnie Palmer Hospital in Orlando. She continues to participate in marathons, having run one in New York and training now to run two more soon in state. Sarah also is pushing herself mentally, pursuing a masters degree in nursing at UCF. In her “spare” time, Sarah (and we) had the privilege of marrying off her best friend, Kate Welch Churcher.

Hannah– the Missionary! Hannah left us in January to join Project Evangelism in Northern Ireland. She has had some great experiences testifying of the gospel to young people there. Now, she is planning her return home in January in time for yet another Gator national championship game. But, Hannah is hoping to go back to Ireland ASAP to work under a sister ministry in the same area. She is in a time of transition, and we are trusting the Lord to direct her steps for the coming year. If you have been a financial supporter, stand by for coming updates. Before coming home, Hannah gets to spend a special Christmas in Austria with Beth’s brother Chris and his family.

Sharon- the Patient! Sharon has been so good to wait on her parents to figure out where they are supposed to be. Meantime, she continues to work at Tropical Smoothie Café while helping out with Matt Bradstreet some too. This has been an amazing year of spiritual growth for Sharon as her devotion to Christ and delight in Him has increased dramatically. She continues as a member at Covenant where she works with children, serves in the cold-night shelter and ministers to the elderly.

We will celebrate this Christmas without Hannah, Andrew and Mer, possibly (again!) our last in Palm Bay. With all that changes, we appreciate ever more those things that do not change – most especially the mighty, saving love of Jesus, whose name remains ever sweet and whose faithfulness never ends. Thanks for your prayers on our behalf and your expressions of love to us.

1 comment:

gideonmommasita said...

The Hendley Clan is running the race with endurance...figuratively and literally...Praise God!